Voices of the World is an interactive art project taking in art, culture, science and different religious views.
It is a piece of artistic research which includes participants from across the world and asks them what deep convictions and values they hold dear. Artists Annemarie Matzakow and Maria Cristina Tangorra make the contributions they collect into an installation in words and pictures which invites us to discuss religious beliefs. The enormous potential of this continuing project was recognised during the first phase of the installation in 2017 and has since inspired people all over the world.
The artists and I, as curator, are proud and grateful to have the Archdiocese of Freiburg as our partner and sponsor. Together with international guest artists, art critics and spiritual leaders we want to build bridges between the church and art and between different denominations and religions in Europe and worldwide.
The artistic process goes through various stages, particularly for projects involving participation. First demanding questions are asked. Interviews take place in an atmosphere of respect for different religious views so that people are encouraged to be open about their personal thoughts and beliefs. The results are then written down and edited and then the artists make a visual representation of the material. Precious and very private thoughts are brought out into the open. The artists make the contributions they collect into a community sculpture and in this way they enable those who view it to make a direct comparison of different points of view. By presenting the installation in the form of a series of identical bookstands, the artists make it easier to interpret the written word and the visual effects together which, according to Victor Hugo, leads to a heightened sensibility.
„L'homme regarde, l'homme écoute; peu à peu, il fait plus que regarder, il voit; il fait plus qu'écouter, il entend. Le mystère de l'Art commence à opérer; tout oeuvre d'art est une bouche de chaleur vitale; l'homme se sent dilaté...“ Victor Hugo „Lutilité du beau“ 1901 Edition Manucius Paris.
Modern art in all forms is aiming more than ever at a combination of contemporary aesthetics and spiritual meaning. Professional artists see themselves as visual interpreters of beliefs. They consciously listen to others and, through the medium of art, make a contribution to the religious debate.
We are convinced that in the 21st century the church will undergo a vigorous revitalisation through art and can hope to match in the area of words and pictures what has already been achieved in the area of contemporary religious music.
Prof. Andrea B. Del Guercio
Chair of History of Modern and Contemporary Sacred Art
Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera Milano I